Dat moment when

This is the story of people who were in that moment.
"I was in dat moment when I had a chili hotdog and started to eat. I was in that moment, Ben." The hotdog vendor says
"Now hen, I was in dat moment when I drew my knife and started stabbing you. I was in dat moment, hen" the butcher says
"Okay, Ken, I was in dat moment when I approached you with Barbie asking you to hang out, I was in dat moment, Ken" The little girl says
"It's your turn, den. I was in dat moment when I locked those pigs in you. I was in dat moment, den." The prisoner says
"How are you doing pen? I have something to tell you, pen. I've got to tell you how I was in dat moment, pen. I was in dat moment when I started puncturing that man's lung in order to breathe. I was in dat moment, pen. Yes, to allow him to breath. Go with that John. What you did was right." The doctor says
"Aye yen, you join in too. I've got something to tell you my friend. I was in dat moment when I bought dat rice and hen, yen. I was in dat moment yen." The Japanese man says
"Now ten, I was in dat moment too. I was in dat moment when I gave you the first name Ben. I was in dat moment Ben Ten." Uncle Max says